Thursday, November 2, 2017

Raz-Kids, Artist in Residence Process, Math and Clean Water!

Reminder: Scholastic Book Orders are due back next Friday November 10th. 

Naturalization Meeting

Reminder: Invitation all interested parents to participate in the new Naturalization Project at Royal Oak School. Our first meeting will be on Thursday, November 2 at 7:00 p.m.  We are hoping to follow a thorough and rigorous process to create a ROS garden/playscape in the Naturalization area in the spring of 2018. Come be a part of the process!

Help: Please send in a 500 ml CLEAR bottle with your child for Monday. We will be making our own water filters. Each student needs their own. If you happen to have extra please send those in as well as we need 25. Water bottles and pop bottles work. 


Today a letter came home with your child regarding Raz-Kids. Their username and password to use this online reading program is glued to the back of the letter. Please put it somewhere safe so that you are able to access Raz-Kids on a regular basis. The reading levels are set to be at your child's independent reading level. I will change them as they progress in reading throughout the year. If you have any questions please email me at

Artist in Residence Day 3

Yesterday was our third session with our Artist in Residence. 

We talked about what is under the ground that we can't see. We thought about the pipes that bring us our water and how they are hiding under streets and buildings. We talked about where the water goes when it enters our storm drains and sewer systems. 

We drew pipes on the back of our dirt. Even though we can't see them they are important to how water gets around our city. 

We added buildings and houses and roads to our dirt to represent the city around us and the growth of Calgary into a large Urban Centre. 

We had to make a plan on our dirt for where our homes, buildings and roads would go and decide where we would place this over our wetlands painting. 

Next week we will put all the pieces together in our last Artist in Residence Session. 


Today we continued practicing triangle math. We came up with a rubric that we can use next week for self-assessment of how we are doing with this strategy. 

Practise a few Triangle Math Equations over the weekend. Next week we will use the self-assessment bulls-eye rubric to think about how we are doing in each part and what we might need more help on. 

We also talked about Friendly Numbers that add to make 10. 

Clean Water

Today your child is bringing home the last page from the book "Water Princess" 

We have been trying to IMAGINE our lives without water. After reading this book twice as a class one student said:

 "It is unbelievable to me. It is so hard to think about spending your whole day walking miles and miles just for water and not being able to do anything else".  

Please read this passage with your child and visit:

We have been starting to talk about "How can we Change". Can we change something to make a difference. Can I have an impact on the world? How? Why should I try to? This will be ongoing all year. When we visited the YMCA the focus was on What can I change? This was more about our personal health and activity and looking at how the YMCA provides CHANGE for the community of Calgary. Now we are shifting our focus to How Can I Change looking at what small things we can do to make a big change in the world.

Charlotte's Web:

Today we read Chapter 16: Off to the Fair. Ask me what happened to Wilbur? Why did Templeton decide to go to the fair, even though he did not want to be bothered with it in the beginning?


Yesterday and today we continued to clean our water using different materials to try to get our water's TURBIDITY back to what is was before we added all of the CONTAMINANTS. 

Ask me what level of Clean I think that my water is now? 

We have used large strainers, small netting, cheesecloth and large rocks.

We have also been talking about what makes up water:

Next week we will be exploring more materials and whether they absorb or repel water. We will be thinking of what materials we might use to make our own simple water filter that would turn dirty, muddy water into more clear water. We are going to try to improve the turbidity of our water. 

We also looked at how the wetlands cleans water and looked at the layers of soil and rock beneath the wetlands:

Ask me how clean my water came after today? 

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