Thursday, November 30, 2017

Predict and Adjust, New Candy Problem, Instructional Writing Chart, Past...Present...or Future???


Making predictions while we read is an important comprehension strategy to ensure that we are understanding what we are reading and thinking about what we are reading. We have been practicing making predictions BEFORE...DURING...and AFTER we read a book:

We use Clues from the text to make predictions:

We also use our background information to help us make predictions:

After you make a prediction you need to continue reading and see if your prediction was correct or if you need to adjust your prediction based on the new clues and information you have

Today we practised this strategy using our leveled literacy books in our reading circles. We had to make a prediction. Ask me if my predictions were right? If not ask me what actually happened? 

Today we also talked about Adjectives and how they are words we can use to describe something.

We came up with Adjectives to describe WILBUR and Charlotte from Charlotte's Web. 

We can also use our 5 Senses to come up with lots of Adjectives. Ask me what adjectives I came up with to describe CHARLOTTE?



Today we continued working on a SNICKS Candy Conundrum. We had different numbers of candies to figure out.

We worked in partners this time to share our thinking and solve the problem of How many candies did SNICKS eat all together?

Ask me which strategy I used and how I checked my ACCURACY?


Yesterday we looked at a picture:

Calgary in the PAST
We did I see I think I wonder about this picture. We tried to decide if it was from the past or the present? 

Most of us originally thought that it was from the PAST because the picture was in black and white. 

We then looked at the other CLUES from the picture....

At the end we decided it might be from the present because we all saw: THE BOW BUILDING, HIGH BUILDINGS, A DOWNTOWN....

Today we looked at another picture of the same house in the same City (Calgary).

We Discussed what Clues we saw to decide if this picture was from the Past or the Present.  We talked about what is History? What is Past? What is Present? 

We talked about the History of The Enoch house in Calgary.

We used this house to talk about the past and the present and the future. 

Is it important to keep some things from the past? Why or Why Not? Should they destroy this house from 1905 to make way for new things or should they keep it as a HISTORICAL LANDMARK of CALGARY's PAST?

We compared two other photos of Calgary to try and see Clues of the Past of Clues of the Present??

Historian= Someone who finds clues from the past to learn about what life was like in the past and to understand why things are the way they are NOW.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Predictions, The Candy Conundrum, Water Filter Testing and A Community in the Past


Literacy: New Strategy of Prediction:

We continued looking at Character Feelings and this lead nicely into Making Predictions as a way to understand what we are reading better. Our predictions must be confirmed our adjusted based on the reading clues. 

I think________________because...
What do you think will happen based on the information you got from your reading?

Here is how you can practise this strategy at home:

Math Candy Conundrum Problem!

In math we have been following steps to solve a word problem:

We looked at the Candy Problem and worked in groups to solve the 4 problems:

We got large chart paper and worked in groups of 4 to solve each problem...
We had to communicate as a group to decide who would use which strategy
We had to compare our answers and see if we were being accurate
We had to organize our thinking on the page
We had to write an equation for our work
Ask me what was the best part about doing math in a group?
Ask me what was the hardest part about doing math in a group?

Today we got to use sticky notes and did a math forum where we looked at everybody's posters with their math thinking and then had to write a note about something we were confused about and or something that we liked that they did in their math thinking. This was our chance to give feedback to our classmates that would help them to learn and for us to see how our classmates solve problems. 

Tomorrow we will get some time to go back to our poster and adjust our thinking or add or change anything based on the feedback

Then we will share and present our posters with the class

Ask me which strategy I used to solve the Candy Math Problem? How did it would in my group? Did we listen to each other? Help each other? learn with and from each other?

Water Filter Testing!!

Yesterday we began testing our water filters. We had to make a hypothesis about whether our design would work and why we thought so? 

We poured dirty water into our filters and observed what we saw happen to the water

Ask me what level of Turbidity my water changed to if it started at a TURBIDITY LEVEL 4?

Today we had to do a reflection on our water filters:

Ask me what I wrote and drew?

Social Studies Inquiry
Today we read a book called "The Little House" by Virginia Burton.

This book helped us to begin a conversation about THEN and NOW. We will be learning more as we learn about Calgary in the Past. 

Global Citizenship:

Today we talked about making special cards for the Royal Oak Community Craft Sale. We would like to make cards and then donate the money to a charity. We were thinking of donating to an organization that would help clean water for more people to have access to this basic need and right. We were inspired by Stephen from Stephen's Backpacks because at such a young age he decided he had to make a difference and with the help of his family he was able to. We want to make a difference too!

Here are our card making ideas for the Craft Sale:

Friday, November 24, 2017

Dream Out Loud, Watercolour Pastel Resist Painting, Water Filter Design Creation and IRIS!

Today we had a special visitor to our school. We had Nancy Mcphee (Stephen's mom) come to our School to speak about Stephen's Backpacks and how it all got started. She explained how her little boy Stephen had a dream. A dream that he "dreamed out loud". Here is a link about Stephen's story:

I am going to think about my dream this weekend and come back on Monday ready to share what my dream is to change the world and make it a better place? 

We finished our Charlotte's Web Spider Web water colour pastel resist today. Ask me what I added to my watercolour painting to give it a neat effect. I had to sprinkle it on top of my watercolour!
Next week we will add special words to describe Charlotte in our web with Silver Sharpie!

Science Inquiry:
We had one last day to build our water filters if we had not finished already. 

Today I uploaded something to IRIS about my Water filter experiment and if I think it will work and why. I also uploaded a picture of my filter. Monday and Tuesday we will get to test our design and see if it works! Please log into IRIS with me and check it out!