Friday, November 29, 2019

PRATT Events, Reading Like a Newsreporter!!

Pratt is having their annual GSA Family Movie Night. This is the third year we've been offering this. We have a craft sale and info fair set up in our gathering space and we are inviting families to come and enjoy a movie with us. We encourage everyone to come. There will be a bake sale as well. Here is the information you need. Let your Principal know and share it with your staff and community. Thank you so much! Darren.

On Wednesday December 11 come join the GSA for a craft night, bake sale and special  screening of “Frozen” at 6pm!

If you would you like to rent a table to sell a craft or something else, please contact Daniel Weeks  for $20/ table($10/table for students). Please contact us ASAP to reserve a spot.

Doors open at 6pm, movie at 7pm. Bring your own blanket, pillow, and comfy PJ’s if you’d like. BYOC (bring your own cup) punch will he served!



We will be practicing reading like News Reporters in order to build, improve and work on our reading FLUENCY.

Please look at this kids news website and have your child pick an article that they are interested in. Please print it out for them and send it to school for Monday, as we will be pracising these articles all week. Each week please bring in a new article so we can add it onto our Grade Two Breaking News Board. 

If you are unable to print the article for Monday please email me the link: and I can do it with them. 

Teaching Kids News

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cause and Effect, Number Line Equations, Google Slides

Reminder: Tomorrow is our Dance Play performance in the gym. We will get to share some of the creative movements we have been learning during this years Dance Residency. If you would like to come and see the Grade 2's Dance our time is from 11:05-12:00 pm in the gym. 


Cause and Effect Continued

This week we have continued looking at Cause and Effect in Literacy. 

We read If you Give a Cat a Cupcake by Laura Numeroff and looked at all of the cuase and effect relationships in the story:

We used graphic organizers and paid attention to key words in order to use our levelled literacy books within our literacy groups to identify these relationships.

Number Line Equations

This week we have continued to use the open number line to solve double digit addition problems. 

We can use the number line to solve the same problem many ways. 

We can build both numbers in order to add them together and find a total
We can start with one of the two addends and then jump, skip, and hop to add in the second addend to find a total
We can start with the biggest number and then jump, skip, and hop to add the smaller addend to the larger one. 

Google Slides

We are almost done our Google Slides insect presentations. 

Next week we will be presenting to the class and practising speaking in front of a group. 

This is our Checklist for knowing our slides are complete:

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cause and Effect, Number Lines, and Writing Rubric Self Assessment!

Reminder: This Thursdy November 21st from 4:30pm until 8pm and Friday Nov 22nd from 8:00 am until 12:00 pm we have Student Centered conferences at Royal Oak School. Please if you have not done so yet sign up for a time to meet with me and discuss your childs learning. Your child should (if able) come to this interview as they will be sharing their work with you! Because of conferences there will be NO SCHOOL on Friday November 22nd.


This week in Literacy we have been working on Cause and Effect. Understanding cause and effect can help us to build our comprehension of a text.

Today we read the book Alexander and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

We then came up with all of the cause and effect relationships we could think of from the book and made a poster:
We will continue practicing determining cause and effect when we read in order to deepen our undersanding of what we are reading.

Number Lines

This week in math we have been practicing using number lines. 

First we take a double-digit number like 37

Then we explode it into groups of tens, fives and ones:

10 10 10 5 2

Then we jump, skip and hop from 0 on a number line to get to 37.

Ask me to jump, skip and hop a double-digit number for you! 

Tomorrow we will be praticing adding 2 numbers together on a number line.

Writing Rubric Self-Assessment

This week we are finishing up our rough copy for our Insect Descriptive Writing.

We generated some criteria as a class in order to aim for improving our writing. 

We also used a checklist to help us remember and check if we had all of the parts needed to make our writing complete:

We will do 2 self-assessments.

First we will assess ourselves using the bullseye rubric based on our rough copy.

Then we will spend all next week editing.

Finally we will then assess ourselves again after we have made all of the edits to see how we improved.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Literacy, Skip Counting and Google Slides!


This week we have been focusing on practicing the Reading Comprehension strategy of VISUALIZING.

We have been practiing listening to text and making a mental picture that we then draw and add details of the story to such as character description, setting details, feelings etc.

We can draw the first mental picture or visualization that we have upon first listening to the story, and then we after reading the text multiple times we can come back and see how many more details our visualizations now include.

Skip Counting

This week we made our very own number line. We were challenged to figure out how many numbers are between 0-10 and 10-20 and 30-40 and so on. The numbers inbetween are our decades or tens and they are important landmark numbers.

We made our own number lines and practiced skip counting by 5s to 100 and circling all of the decades or 10s on our numberline.

Here are a few interactive Hundred's Charts that you can use to practice skip counting forwards and backwards at home:

Google Slides 

This week we have continued working on our Google Slides. Last week we worked on creating a Title Page and a slide on Appearance.

Today we focused on creating a slide for Habitat and Diet. 

Tomorrow we will add a slide for Enemies and Interesting Facts.

Our last 2 slides will be for Helpful or Harmful and Life Cycle.

This slide show can be worked on at home so long as we have discussed which part we are going to work on with our partner. 

We have been learning how to change font size, colour, highlight text, add a bulleted or numbered list, add images and make our images bigger or smaller too! 

Today we also learned how to add a link to our slideshow. 

Ask me what part I am enjoying the most and maybe what I am finding the most challenging 

Friday, November 8, 2019

Remembrance Day, Literacy, Hamburger Paragraph Writing using Transition Words, and Number Lines!

Remembrance Day:

Our Remembrance Day Assembly was beautiful. Our wreath had messages of peace from everyone as well as beatiful hand drawn poppies. We watched The Poppy Story and remembered and honored those that have fought to make our Country safe and free. 

Literacy Update

For this week we contiued working on making connections when we read. This week we learned more about other Text to Text and Text to World Connections.

We then practiced this strtegy using modeled read alouds and sticky notes. 

We then had some independent practice in our literacy groups using just right reading books and this graphic organizer:

The more we are able to make connections when we are reading the more we are THINKING about what we are reading and building or reading COMPREHENSION.

Hamburger Paragraph Writing

This week we started planning our insect paragraph writing. After spending time reviewing our brainstormed adjectives and verbs to add descriptive details to our sentences we then looked at how we can organize our sentences into a great praragraph of writing:

We also looked at important transition words that can help our paragraph sound better and our writing flow better:

We will continue this next week to further develp our Insect Descriptive writing paragraphs. 

Number Lines

This week we started looking at number lines. 

Number lines are great ways to understand greater than and less than and where numbers fall on a continuim. 

We plotted numbers and looked at negtive and positve numbers in our world.


Next week we will build our own number lines to 100 and look at using the Number Line to add numbers together!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Graphing Practice, Triangle Math Strategy, , and Jobs of the Past!

Reminder: Thursday November 7th is our Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:30 AM. If your child is in Guides, Scouts, Cadets please have them wear their uniform to scchool for the assembly.

With Remembrance Day quickly approaching, Royal Oak School would like to support our Veterans by collecting non-perishable food items. These items will be collected all week (November 1-7) and will be picked up and delivered to the Calgary Food Bank. There are specific items that are more needed than others and the Calgary Food Bank has outlined these as wish list items that are greatly appreciated.

Book orders came home today. Please submit your order by Friday November 15th 2019 at the latest. 

Graphing Practice

We have been practicing collecting data for a graph by using tally marks and survey questions. 

We have then practiced putting this information into a chart so that it is organized and easier to understand.

We can then use this data to create a bar graph. It is very important when we are making a graph that we give our graph a title and label the x and y axis so that other people can interpret our graph. 

Once our graph is built we are then able to interpret the data, ask questions about the data, and share our information with others. 

Triangle Math

Today we continued practicing the strategy of triangle math (number bond adding)

First we break the numbers into groups of 10s and 1s.

Then we put the numbers back together, combining all of the groups of 10 first and not foregetting the ones!

We look for friendly numbers that will make new tens when we are combining the 1's.

We then applied this new strategy to a word problem we have been working on so that we can check our accuracy of our first solutions by using another strategy. 

Next week we will be practicing the Number Line as another strategy for double-digit addition.

Once we have a repetoire of strategies to pick from we can choose the one that works best for us and be more flexible thinkers in math! 

Jobs of the Past

Today we continued learning about some important jobs of the past:

We had to read about the duties of particular jobs of Calgary's past. We also learned about tools the job might have required.

After reading, discussing and making think notes, we then had to draw, label and make notes in our visual sketchbooks
about what we had learned. We had to make sure to include all of the important details in order to present
our findings to the class.