Making predictions while we read is an important comprehension strategy to ensure that we are understanding what we are reading and thinking about what we are reading. We have been practicing making predictions BEFORE...DURING...and AFTER we read a book:
We use Clues from the text to make predictions:
We also use our background information to help us make predictions:
After you make a prediction you need to continue reading and see if your prediction was correct or if you need to adjust your prediction based on the new clues and information you have
Today we practised this strategy using our leveled literacy books in our reading circles. We had to make a prediction. Ask me if my predictions were right? If not ask me what actually happened?
Today we also talked about Adjectives and how they are words we can use to describe something.
We came up with Adjectives to describe WILBUR and Charlotte from Charlotte's Web.
We can also use our 5 Senses to come up with lots of Adjectives. Ask me what adjectives I came up with to describe CHARLOTTE?
Today we continued working on a SNICKS Candy Conundrum. We had different numbers of candies to figure out.
We worked in partners this time to share our thinking and solve the problem of How many candies did SNICKS eat all together?
Ask me which strategy I used and how I checked my ACCURACY?
Yesterday we looked at a picture:
Calgary in the PAST
We did I see I think I wonder about this picture. We tried to decide if it was from the past or the present?
Most of us originally thought that it was from the PAST because the picture was in black and white.
We then looked at the other CLUES from the picture....
At the end we decided it might be from the present because we all saw: THE BOW BUILDING, HIGH BUILDINGS, A DOWNTOWN....
Today we looked at another picture of the same house in the same City (Calgary).
We Discussed what Clues we saw to decide if this picture was from the Past or the Present. We talked about what is History? What is Past? What is Present?
We talked about the History of The Enoch house in Calgary.
We used this house to talk about the past and the present and the future.
Is it important to keep some things from the past? Why or Why Not? Should they destroy this house from 1905 to make way for new things or should they keep it as a HISTORICAL LANDMARK of CALGARY's PAST?
We compared two other photos of Calgary to try and see Clues of the Past of Clues of the Present??
Historian= Someone who finds clues from the past to learn about what life was like in the past and to understand why things are the way they are NOW.