Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Reading about Lighthouses, Building, drawing and measuring a rectangle, Growing a Royal Reader!

Reminder: If you are placing a scholastic book order from the May catalogue please do so by this upcoming Monday May 13th.

Grow a Royal Reader

Today was so much fun with seeing everyones Royal Reader outfits and planting! Tomorrow it is wear your PJ's to school to cozy up to a good book! Students are also welcome to bring their favorite stuffy that goes along with their favorite pajamas! 


This week we have been reading about Lighthouses. Did you know that there are 150 Lighthouses in Nova Scotia?!

You can learn more about specific ones here:

During literacy groups we started the week reading a small nonfiction article about the history and the importance of Lighthouses in the maritimes.

Now we are moving from NonFiction to Fictional stories about lighthouses. Today we read the book
"Hello Lighthouse"" by Sophie Blackall.

We Listened to the story and stopped at important parts to answer inferencing questions about the story. The questions we had to think about involved us using our background knowledge and evidence from the text in order to come up with an answer.

We then had to read specific passages from the story and answer deeper level thinking questions about them.

When reading during literacy groups we always practice CLOSE READING:

Yesterday we reviewed some important Shape Rules and began investigating RECTANGLES!

We then were challenged with the task of:
1. Use non-standard units from around the classroom to build a rectangle
2. Draw this rectangle in your math book
3. Make sure it is properly labeled (vertices, right angles, sides, etc)
4. Can you solve the perimeter if a+b+c+d=P?
5. Use a standard measurement tool (ruler) to measure each side of your rectangle using centimeters
6. Can you find the perimeter using a+b+c+d=P in standard units now? (cm)
7. Share with another group and compare your Rectangles!!

Rules of a Rectangle:

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