Royal Oak School Parents and Guardians,
Our annual Bike to School Day is fast approaching. On Tuesday June 4th Royal Oak School Families and Staff are encouraged to participate in the Bike to School Day come Rain or Shine.
Bike tags and further information (including a map) will be sent home with Kindergarten students on Thursday May 30th, and with Grade 1-3 students on Monday June 3rd. Bike tags must be brought to the school on your student's handlebars for ease of organization and storage in the School Gym. Students are welcome to drop off their bikes from 8:40am - 9:10am. PM KG students can drop their bikes off to the Gym before class, between 12:50pm and 1:03pm.
A snack of Orange slices will be available between 8:40am and 9:10am. Don't forget to bring your water bottles!
***NOTE: Different Locations for KINDERGARTEN PICKUP***
All Kindergarten Bike to School participants (AM & PM) will be dismissed through the Gym door closest to the houses at the back of the school and Non-Participants will have a regular dismissal at the KG doors.
Grade 1 & 2 students can pick up their bikes on the compound at the back of the school following the afternoon dismissal.
Grade 3 students will be dismissed through the Gym, and will pick up their bikes on their way out to the compound.
If you would like to volunteer at this event please use the Sign Up Genius Link Below.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Helen Hennick
Physical Education Specialist, Royal Oak School
Scholastic Book Order Reminder: The last book order of the year went home last week. If you are interested in placing an order please do so by Friday June 7th to ensure adequate time for the order to arrive before the last day of school!
3D Nets, and Building
We have continued exploring 3D shapes and their properties:
We have been looking at different 3D shapes nets as a way to help visualize their edges, vertices and faces:
After observing many different types of 3D shapes and becoming more familiar with their properties we had a chance to build paper 3D models, using a variety of nets!
We also compared prisms and pyramids and looked at examples, definitions and ways to tell them apart:
This is a great website for manipulating some 3D shapes in order to see them built from net to shape and pause on important properties:
Small, Crawling, and Flying Creatures Research
This week we have been discussing and sharing things that we know about insects and bugs and things that we want to know. We decided upon a small, crawling, or flying creature to research.
Today we learned about Life Cycle and some important scientific vocabulary words that explain the parts of a life cycle :
We talked about some life cycles including different stages that some include such as Butterflies, frogs, dragonflies and more...
In the afternoons we have been then using computers to research websites and use some videos and diagrams to help us add to our research.
Today we looked at observing, drawing and labeling like a scientist
We will be creating a Google Slides presentation and a flip book with all that we learn. Ask me about my insect/bug/amphibian that I am researching and becoming an expert on!!