Thursday, January 17, 2019

Literacy, Timeline Math, Final Reflection


We have continued to work on Expanding our Vocabulary by making note of words we do not understand and then practicing using a dictionary both books and online websites.

When we come across a word we do not know sometimes we can figure it out by reading the whole sentence and thinking what would make sense here?

When that does not work we can also ask our friends and the teacher in our reading groups. 

Another strategy is to use a hard copy dictionary or an online dictionary to help us figure out the meaning, the pronunciation, and to see some examples of the word used in sentences. 

Here are some online sites to try at home:

Timeline Math

Today we finished building our 1800s Important Calgary/Alberta Dates. Ask me what some of the dates are on my timeline?

Today we were posed the challenge of taking two timeline dates and finding out how far apart they are from each other using a number line and Jumping, Skipping and Hopping between the two numbers.

First: Plot my smaller number on the number line
Second: Decide if I am going to move by Jumps (10), Skips (5) or Hops (1) and begin
Third: Make sure to record every jump, skip and hop on top of my number line so I don't lose track
Fourth: Make sure I calculate at the bottom of my number line what number each of my jumps, skips or hops has taken me to
Fifth: Figure out my addition equation from all of my jumps, skips and hops
Sixth: Solve the equation to know how many numbers are in between the two dates or how far apart the dates are from each other.
Seventh: Write down my final answer in a statement so it is clear to anyone else reading my work.

Final Reflections

Today we looked back to all of our work and learning that we have done this year to do with the History of the CPR and the growth of Calgary from a past community into the Vibrant one that it is today. We thought about and reflected on all of the positive and negative impacts the train expanding out west had. We had to reflect on the positives and the negatives and write about how we feel about trains today.

Tomorrow we will continue our final reflections as we prepare to move on and begin learning about life in an Arctic Community. 

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