Friday, April 13, 2018

Circles, Word Families, Buddies and Geometric Shape Art!


This week we have been learning about Circles. After being challenged to build a circle with non-standard units (paper clips, q-tips, toothpicks, blocks etc) we decided that a circle is hard to build because it is made up of a curved line.

We were then challenged to measure the length of the sides of a circle, using a ruler.

Again the consensus was that this would not work unless we bend the ruler (I now have 3 broken rulers in the class!!) and we started to learn about CIRCUMFERENCE and decided to try using string to measure around our circles.

We then practiced measuring the Circumference of many circles in our classroom. We compared our results. Ask me why it is difficult to be accurate when measuring around something with string? Ask me what strategy my group used to make sure that our measurements were as accurate as possible?


  1. A circle is made up of a curved line
  2. It has a center point
  3. If you draw a line from the center to any point on the outside circle it will be the same distance no matter which way you go. This is called EQUIDISTANCE.
  4.  The distance around a circle or the Perimeter of a circle is called its CIRCUMFERENCE
  5. A circle has a radius and a diameter. The radius is HALF of the diameter. 
  6. A circle is 360 Degrees

Word Work
We have been talking about the -ank word family. Sometimes when we are writing our words we forget to S-T-R-E-T-C-H out the letter sounds and miss important sounds in-between. We are practicing making sure we do this with new or unfamiliar words to increase our spelling accuracy

We practiced making as many words as we could using -ank.

Y at the end of words

Y at the end of words can be really tricky. We looked at a rule to help us remember the sound Y makes when it is at the end of words.


Today we had buddies. We got to participate in an activity with our buddies. We did a portrait of their face by taping a piece of paper on their back and drawing all the features in their face that make them unique. They drew us too. It was fun! It was tricky too because we had to look at them closely and then draw from our memory.

Geometric Shape Art

Students used rulers and objects to create 2-Dimensional shapes in pencil that would cover their page and overlap each other in places. 

They had to make a T-Chart and tally how many of each shape that they used. 

Next week they will add colour and sharpie. 

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