Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Literacy, Finishing our Story Boards, Double Digit Addition with Regrouping Practice, Global Warming

****Today forms came home for our upcoming Student-Led Conferences. They have 3 questions we would like you to think about and fill out to discuss in more depth during conferences next week. If you have not booked a time slot yet, please do so.


In Literacy this week we have been reading non-fiction articles about how climate change is affecting the Arctic. We have looked at Melting Sea Ice, Ocean Acidification, Melting Permafrost and Sea Levels Rising. 

Each reading group has been responsible for making think notes about the article they are reading and circling any unknown or tricky words.

After reading the article multiple times and making these notes each group then was responsible to read their article to the class, practicing Reading Like a News Reporter!

When we read for an audience we must use strategies to improve our fluency and expand our vocabulary.

We have also explored some news websites for kids. These websites have kid friendly articles about current events and we will be using articles of interest to improve our fluency and expand our vocabulary by Reading like a News Reporter! 

We will continue to look at these sites and find news that seems interesting to us. Please visit one or two of the sites and start to notice articles of interest to you. On Fridays please bring in 1 article that you would be interested in practicing reading and presenting to the class alone or with a partner (once you have had time to practice reading like a news reporter).

This week and next we will also be working on adding exclamation points ! to where we want our voices to have excitement or question marks ? to where we were asking a question. We imagined that we worked for CTV News, Global or CBC and we watched Anchor Woman and Anchor Men and noted how we thought they looked, sounded and seemed when they were reporting the news. 

Finishing our Story Boards!

Today we finished our story boards by adding a conclusion and a lesson or message. 

Tomorrow we will begin writing our Arctic Stories by starting with a Good Beginning. 

Good Beginnings:

Think about how you want to begin your story? What will be the most interesting way and capture your readers attention so that they are hooked and want to read more? 

We will continue practicing and modeling some of these ways to start a story so that we can pick one that we feel confident trying and that we think will hook our readers. 

Regrouping and Stacking

Today we reviewed place value and broke numbers into their ones (cabins), tens (houses) and hundreds (mansions).

For example if I have 2 mansions, 4 houses and 3 cabins what number does that make?

Can I count it out starting from the mansions (100, 200), counting on adding in the houses (210, 220, 230, 240) and finally adding the cabins (241, 242, 243). 

Can I explain how I know and not just what the number is? 

We also practiced building two numbers and then adding them together. 

We looked at what regrouping means and why we need to regroup if we have ten cabins or ten houses. 

145+265 can also be written like using the stacking method where two numbers are stacked on top of one another to add them together. 

If you have ten houses (tens) they cannot live on house street anymore and need to move to Mansion street! (hundreds). 

Now we have our final answer of 410. 

We will be practicing this strategy of stacking and regrouping as needed all week.

Global Warming/Hot and Cold Temperature 

Today we made a mind map of what we have learned about Hot and Cold Temperatures. We made note of important temperatures that we have learned.

We also talked about Greenhouse Gasses, and Global Warming and what we can do to help restore the Balance here on Earth.

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