Thursday, January 11, 2018

Gymnastics, Math and Adding Describing Detail using Colour!


Book Truck

Dear Parents,

The Calgary Public Library book truck was cancelled this week due to the extremely cold weather.  We understand that late fees were applied for books that were not returned by the due date.  These fees will be reversed once the books are returned.  Please be advised that books can be returned to any Calgary Public Library location.

Royal Oak School


Dear Parents
We have started our gymnastics unit in our regularly scheduled Physical Education classes. This unit will run until the end of January. Safety procedures are being carefully covered with each class. While students in elementary school are not expected to change their clothing for gym, I do talk to them about being dressed in preparation to participate. Please consider the following when sending your child to school: 
• Clothing that allows freedom of movement (no special uniforms or outfits are required – sweats and a t-shirt work best). 
• Loose fitting/baggy clothing may get caught on equipment when climbing. 
• Tucking shirts in may help to prevent an accident. 
• All jewelry that could get caught on equipment should be removed (left in classrooms or left at home). e.g. watches, rings, necklaces, etc... 
• Students with long hair should have their hair tied back. Tying hair back with elastics is recommended. 
• Students may wear shorts under clothing if they wish. 
• Students will participate in bare feet unless there is a medical reason (warts). 
Please be aware that students have Phys. Ed class each day. Students will be reminded that they must remain very quiet while participating on the climbing equipment. Sudden noises could startle a student using the equipment and result in a fall. 
Should you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Thank you in advance for your understanding in helping to ensure the safety of our students. 

Helen Hennick


Today in Math we practiced building double and triple digit numbers and adding them together. 

First we built each number using base ten and building mats:

Then we added the numbers together and wrote the numbers underneath on our mats:

We had to look carefully incase we needed to regroup and make a new ten or regroup and make a new hundred:

We also had to ensure that we were writing an equation either by stacking or writing an equation sentence so we could clearly see what the addition problem was that we were trying to figure out. 

 Descriptive Language 

For the past few days we have been looking at how we can add more descriptive detail into our writing. We looked at some pictures of the Northern Lights and were asked to write a sentence about it:

We then looked at how we could make our sentences more descriptive by describing the colours we saw. We didn't want to say The green and purple Northern Lights filled the sky. 

How can we make the colour words more interesting? 

We looked at how every colour has many shades. We came up with all the names we could think of for the colour Green. 

We had to think about things in nature, food, animals that would help us get ideas for how to name these colours. If you go to a paint store they have more shades and descriptive names then you can believe. We generated a word list for green as a class:

-lizard green
-lime green
-broccoli green
-grass green
-pea green
-plant green
-leaf green
-lettuce green
-avocado green
-guacamole green
-cucumber green
-shamrock green
-olive green
-pickle green
-mint green

These were only a few of the ways we came up with to describe green. 

We then had the opportunity different shades of the same colour in our Visual Sketch Books. We Then had to name them. Ask me what some of my colour names were. Eventually we will generate a large colour word- bank that will help us add more descriptive "juicy" words to our writing. 

Today we came back to the same picture of the Northern Lights and had to write a new sentence or two, this time using the new descriptive "Juicy" words to describe colour: 

Ask me about one of my sentences. How did all my new colour word vocabulary help me to write a better sentence? 

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