Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday January 24th, 2017

Polar Bear Expert Dr. Ian Stirling

Dr. Ian Stirling

Grade Two classes were very fortunate today to have world-renowned polar bear expert Dr. Ian Sterling Skype in for a question and answer session with our students. Dr. Sterling has researched polar bears for over 40 years! Students asked many interesting questions about polar bear behaviour, habitat and physiology. However, many of the students were most concerned with finding out what is causing decreases in polar bear populations, decreasing sea ice and what they can do to help. 

Here is a sample of Dr. Sterlings answers.
What is the biggest threat to polar bears?
-the climate is warming a certain amount
-the earth is warming twice as fast in the Arctic as the rest of the earth
-even winter in Alberta is warmer that 40 years ago
-the sea ice is melting earlier in the winter
-there is less ice
-during the time that is best for feeding so the bears don’t have as much access to the seals.
-they need a platform to stand on, which is the sea ice.
-they have less and less time to hunt now
-we are going to end up losing more than half of our polar bears
-we need to get to the bottom of greenhouse gases (factories, cars etc) and cut down to slow down global warming.

How can we help the polar bears?
-turn off the lights at home, that takes energy which might mean less burning of energy like coal
-turn down the heat when you don’t need it to be so warm

-try to reduce the amount of coal and natural oil used to produce electricity
-try biking to school or walking

Here is a helpful video for students to begin to understand climate change, global warming, greenhouse gases and what we can do to help! 

If your child is interested in creating a Google Slide or two at home to present their thoughts, they can share it with the class in a weeks time.

Literacy Week (Day 1)
Today our class went to Mrs. Daniel's class to be read the Robert Munsch book "I Have to Go". Ask me what the best part of the story was?
Don't forget, we are trying to 'DEAR'...Drop Everything And Read when the surprise announcement comes on. Please feel free to bring your favorite book to school and get "Caught" reading!!!

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