Monday, February 3, 2020

Important Reminders

Measuring Body Temperature

If you have a digital thermometer that you are willing to send in a ziploc bag with your child's name we would love to be able to meausure our body temperatures this week. The thermometers at school work ok but not the best for accuracy. They are ok for hot and cold water or ice water but not so accurate under an armpit! If you have one you are willing to let your child use at school and then return please send it ASAP. 
Thank you for your support. 

Dear Parents and Guardians of Grades 1, 2 & 3 students,

We are excited to be offering Wonder Hour Clubs at Royal Oak School in April and May.  Wonder Hour is an opportunity for students to engage for one hour in cross-grade, co-curricular activities in an area that interests them!  They will take place during Friday on April 3, 17, and 24 and May 1, 8, and 29.  Students will have an opportunity to select their top three Wonder Hour choices during class next week. We are hoping that you can take the time to read and discuss the Wonder Hour descriptions with your child so they can make an informed decision next week. We would like to thank the Royal Oak School Fundraising Society for supporting supplies required to run successful clubs!


Royal Oak School

2020 Wonder Hour Clubs
Please find the below description of the Wonder Hour Clubs 
happening at Royal Oak School this year!

Name of Club
The World of Harry Potter 
Become a student at Hogwarts by immersing yourself in experiences only fit for a true wizard.  Muggles are excepted.  You will be sorted into your Hogwarts House, play Quidditch, learn potions and compete in a Tri-Wizard Tournament among many other activities.  “Working hard is important but there is something that matters even more: believing in yourself!” 
Introduction to Coding Games
This club is for beginners who have not experienced coding before. Students will work through basic coding skills through games on
Keva Blocks 
Keva Block building challenges!
Students will use their knowledge of building and creativity to solve a variety of challenges using Keva Blocks.
LEGO Club 
LEGO building challenges every week! 
D&D: Wizards, Elves, and Rogues
Role playing, story building, and cooperative problem solving. Students will learn to play a simplified version of Dungeons and Dragons. They will create a character, create a map, and use problem solving, dice rolls, and team work to solve challenges and build a story in a fantasy world. 
Board Games
Students will explore a variety of different board games in cooperative teams.
Multimedia Arts
Every week we will do a different mulit-media art or craft project.  We will use paper, craft supplies, paint, plasticine etc.
Sing and Move 
The Grade 1&2 Sing and Move Club will prepare some music/movement for our Volunteer Tea
French Culture 
French Culture Club- Students will be introduced to French language, art, music and culinary delights.
Puppet Making & Storytelling
Retell popular stories orally and perform these stories using puppets created from a variety of materials. Design and create different types of puppets to use in creating mini puppet theatre performances. 
Students will learn about indoor curling and will have the opportunity to participate in a round robin tournament
Students will explore a variety of media and techniques to create artwork. 
Outdoor Club
Students will participate in a variety of outdoor activities, rain or shine. We will meet each week in the gathering space and play games/activities on the field/compound/hill/wetlands! 

Some examples of possible activities include: scavenger hunts, mini hike, exploring our wetland, walking wise, finding sit spots, sharing circle, picnic, capture the flag, the animal game, hop scotch, cloud watching, catching and identifying bugs, flowers, trees, etc. 

For Valentines Day

This year we will Celebrate Valentines day as Friendship and Caring Day on Wednesday February 12th. For the last 30 minutes of the day students will be allowed to exchange cards and watch a friendship story. If you are going to send in Valentines with your child please ensure that they have one for every child in our class. Please DO NOT send in any candy or treats. Below is a class list to ensure you have all of the names of the student's in our class. It is up to you if you choose to participate and it is not an expectation.

Class First Names:
Ryan C
Ryan D
Nathan K
Nathan P

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