Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Oral Story Telling and Writing our Beginnings, Design Thinking, and Subtraction using the Stacking Strategy!!

Reminders : Book orders are due by Monday March 9th, 2020.

ROS Students are currently participating in a ‘Circus’ unit in PE class. We are learning a variety of new tricks using various equipment such as juggling sticks, scarves, hula hoops, spinning plates, diablos, tossing rings and juggling clubs. Students are encouraged to check out the Youtube channel, the National Circus Project. Below is a list of videos that students can watch to inspire them to try new tricks while in the gym. We are very excited about this unit! Thanks for your support! 
***Beginner videos are a great starting point*** 
Devil Sticks (juggling sticks) 
Scarf Juggling 

Oral Story Telling

This week we have been practicing orally re-telling our ideas for our Arctic Story. Our story boards are all done and now we are practicing using story language, transition words, and sentence starters orally to prepare for writing our story. We used the five finger retell to help us retell as well as some simple sentence starters to help get our ideas flowing. 


This week we will start writing our Beginnings for our Arctic Stories. Maybe I can re-tell it to you orally at home to practice and solidify what is going to happen, who is starting my story, and where this story is happening. 

Design Thinking: Climate Change in the Arctic

This week we have continued to look at some specific problems in the Arctic due to climate change. After brainstorming different problems we then decided which one we were interested in learning more about and have been working in groups to DEFINE the problem and EMPATHIZE about the problem. 

We created mini replicas of the problem that we cannot wait to share with you this Thursday at our upcoming Celebration of Learning at 6pm. 

We have also been starting to move into the IDEATING stage where we are trying to come up with some solutions to these problems. Please come visit the IDEATING room (Ms. Reynolds Room) at our Celebration and see if you can come up with any that we have not thought of! 


This week we continue to work on practicing solving double digit subtraction problems using the Stackng Strategy. 

First we have to make sure that the bigger number is on top or is the one being taken away from:

After we build the first number using our tens and ones we  do not need to build the number being taken away. We are not adding so we don't need to put the 2 numbers together so we only write out what is being subtracted below (in this case 18).

***Always always always start with the ones when using stacking as our strategy. So 3-8 is not going to work. We do not have enough so we need to steal from the tens:

When we steal a ten and move it on over to the ones it needs to EXPLODE into ten ones:

Now we have 13 ones and can easily subtract 8:
We must remember to cross out the 3 tens because we now only have 2 left. After subtracting 8 ones we only have 5 left and we write that at the bottom of our ones. We then still need to rememeber to take away the 1 ten. 2 tens take away 1 ten leaves us with 1 remaining ten, which we write at the bottom of our tens. 

This is the same as the traditional method only in stacking we draw out all of the steps using tens and ones to explain our regrouping:

We will be practicing these types of problems all week. Ask me to show you a few at home! 

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