Thursday, September 26, 2019

Literacy, Masloppy Math and Entomology and Writing Stretchy Sentences!


Tomorrow we will be participating in the Terry Fox Run. There will be an assembly at 10:00 AM and we will start the run at 11:00 am. Please bring in a toonie for Terry so we can help support finding a cure for cancer research.


This week we have added 2 new accuracy strategies to help us decode text:

Skippy the Frog:

We practiced reading and using sticky notes to capture any words that we used these strategies to figure out. Here are some ideas for practicing these strategies at home when we are reading:

This week we will also be practicing a COMPREHENSION strategy that is so important to practice to ensure that we are understanding what we are reading:

When we read a page of text we need to STOP and CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING!!

We will be practicing these Reading Strategies all Week.

Masloppy Math

This week in math we read the book The Masloppy Family by Catherine Fosnot:

We then had to try to take inventory of some of the materials in our classroom. We had to think of different ways that we could organize the materials in order to figure out a total. Ask me how I organized my materials? Today we continued working with organizing but looked at ways we could do so more efficiently. We used ziploc bags, elastic bands and sticky notes to help us organize our materials in order to count them more efficiently and accurately.

Ask me how I am organizing my materials and how my organizing will help me to efficiently and accuratley figure out a total? 

If I have more than 100 items is sorting by colour an efficient way to add up my total? What would a more effiecient strategy be so that I can count quickly, accuratley and be efficient in my math work? 


We continue to look at insects and bugs through the lens of an ENTOMOLOGIST. Today we brainstormed some new questions we had after investigating bugs/insects and made a new list of wonders. We were posed the question: Are Bugs/Insects Important? Why?


We worked this week on writing more detailed sentences. We used the 5W's (who, what, where, when and why) to help us enhance our sentences:

We then practiced doing this ourselved using the 5W's as a guide:

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