Monday, April 13, 2020

April 14-19 Introducing Google Classroom!

It was so much fun connecting with all of you last week through Google Meet. I can't wait to do it again this week! Remember this week to bring something you would like to share. Maybe it is a favorite memory, a favorite game, a favorite toy, something you have found on one of your nature walks, a art project, a lego creation, a new pet, a great book, or even a favorite new activity or toy.

The next Google Meet will be on Wednesday April 15th at 10 AM

ilagrana2 is the code to get into the meet. 

Here is our Learning Plan for the week of April 14-19. We are using this week to transition into using Google Classroom to submit our assignments. Please watch the instructional video by Mrs. Yoon in order to become familiar with how to sign into Google Classroom:

Opening Comments 
Hi Grade Two Families,
Going into our third week of Ongoing Learning, we will be moving into the Google Classroom platform for assignment submissions. The learning tasks for this week will also be accessible from Google Classroom.
 Assignments to be submitted on Google Classroom by the end of day on Sunday, April 19th: 
1.     Descriptive Words 
2.     Math - picture of work 

Materials Needed for this week: 
·       Paper and pencil 
·       Crayons or Pencil crayons 
·       Computer, tablet or iPhone with internet access 
·       Printer (optional) 
Assigned Ongoing Learning Tasks for the Week of April 14-19 
Please complete the following tasks in any order. An hour of learning a day is optimal. 
Topic & Objectives
Task Instructions
Reading: Fluency
Review and select a fluency goal to work on while reading out loud.

  • I can select a reading fluency goal and work on developing that skill 
  • I can speak in a clear voice, with appropriate volume, at an understandable pace and with expression while reading out loud
  1. Watch this video to review reading fluency goals:  
  2. Choose a reading fluency goal to focus on:
  3. Select a book from home or from your Raz-Kids account.
  4. Practice reading it out loud several times with your fluency goal in mind. If you are reading a chapter book, select a page or a couple of pages to read rather than the whole chapter/book. 

OPTIONAL EXTENSION: Watch this video to learn how to record yourself reading a Raz Kids book: Then create an audio recording of yourself reading on the Raz-Kids for your teacher to review your fluency progress. 
Writing: Nature Walk Descriptive Words 
  • I can create a list of sensory descriptive words
  1. Watch instruction video: 
  2. After your nature walk last week, choose at least one thing you observed and brainstorm some descriptive words under the categories: hear, see, smell, feel. 
  3. Turn in on Google Docs or take a picture and email your teacher. 
Practicing efficient subtraction strategies by using the stacking procedure and an open number line.
  • I can solve a subtraction equation using Stacking.
  • I can solve a subtraction equation using a Number Line.
  1. Watch instructional video
2.              Practice Stacking and using a Number Line to check your answers.
3.              Take a photo of one completed question with a Stacking equation and a Number Line and submit to YOUR teacher.
Stacking Steps:
  1. Identify and stack the biggest number on top of the smallest. Remember to line up your Ones and Tens correctly.
  2. Start in the ones. Subtract. Do I need to regroup?
  3. Now Subtract the tens.
  4. Use your Number Line strategies from last week to check your answer.
Daily Reading 
  1. Read a book of your choice from home or Raz-kids 

Optional Learning Tasks 

Coding With Mr. Sandberg!
Scratch Day 2: Sprites Interact

Mr. Sandberg has started a web series of coding videos. Check out his second video:  
Question of the Day  

Share your “Peach & Pit” with your family at dinner. A Peach is the best part of your day. A Pit is a challenge or difficulty you had that day. 


Phone or FaceTime a family member or friend that does not live in your house and tell them your favorite thing about this week. 
Phys Ed 

Visit Ms. Hennick’s Blog: 

Visit Ms. Mann’s blog: 

Branch Weaving

Closing Comments 
Please contact your teacher by email with any questions at: 
o   Craig: 
o   Lagrana: 
o   Sandberg: 
o   Quesnel: 
o   Yoon: 
·       Please try and submit work on Google Classroom this week.  Deadline is Sunday, April 19th.  Please contact your child’s teacher if you are having technical issues. (Click link for Google Classroom instructions:
·       Monday April 13th is a PD Day. Teachers will be working on Technology Professional Development. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday April 6-Friday April 10 Learning Plan

Hello Grade Two Families, 

We hope you had a lovely weekend together and enjoyed some time outside. We want to send a big THANK YOU to all families for your support and kind words of encouragement as we have navigated our first week of online learning. 

We also want to acknowledge the great work you have been doing with your children. We know many of you are trying to balance work from home, while trying to engage your child in learning, and we know this is not easy. Thank you for completing the assignments we sent home last week, and for all your additional reading, writing, math, and art that you have worked on as well.

We have attached the online learning tasks for the whole week. The tasks can be completed in any order and do not need to be completed all at once. Please keep in mind around an hour a day is optimal. Please figure out a schedule that works best for your family, and try to send both assignments in the same email when completed.

The Grade Two team will be working on our Google Classrooms this week – please watch your email for information on how to get set up. Going forward, student’s assignments and work submissions will all take place in this location. 

As always, if you have any questions regarding the learning or anything else, please let us know! We are super excited to see everyone at our first Google Meet video conference on Wednesday at 10:00 (please see previous email with set-up information). 

The Grade 2 Team
Ms. Craig, Mr. Sandberg, Ms. Yoon, Ms. Lagrana, Ms. Quesnel

Opening Comments
A message from Mr. Hamby:
As know, we have been given guidelines from Alberta Education that mandates we provide 5 hours of schoolwork per week focused on literacy and math. We also hope to offer some optional activities that you might consider having a look at towards the bottom of the template. Each week we also hope that you will be able to determine a schedule that works best for your family. We ask that you please be patient with this process as we all know technology can be a bit bumpy at times.
Assignments to be handed in this week to your teacher via email. Please email by Sunday, April 12th:
  • ●  Nature Journal.... Take a picture of your journal and email to your teacher.
  • ●  Practice subtracting numbers, between 0 – 100, using a number line. Take a picture
    of one example of your work and email it to your teacher.
    Learning Objectives for the week:
    • ○  I can express sensory nature details in a journal with words and pictures
    • ○  I can listen to a story and think about important story parts like characters, setting, and problems
    • ○  I can reflect and answer specific questions about a story Math:
    • ○  I can show my understanding of number to 100
    • ○  I can show my understanding of subtraction using a number line
      Materials Needed for this week:
  • ●  Paper and pencil
  • ●  Crayons or Pencil crayons
  • ●  Computer, tablet or iPhone with internet access
  • ●  Printer (optional)

Assigned Learning Tasks for the Week of April 6-12 
Please complete the following tasks in any order. An hour of learning a day is optimal. 
Read Aloud 
Watch the read aloud story “The Cookie Fiasco” and sketch what you are visualizing in your mind. 

Nature Journaling  
Watch instruction video 

Task: Go on a nature walk and create a journal entry based on your senses.  

Subtraction on A Number Line: 
Watch instruction video: 

Practice subtracting numbers, between 0 – 100, using a number line.   
Task: Draw the characters, the setting, the problem. 

There will be some questions for you to think about during the video and you can pause and tell your parents what you think or just think in your head what your answers would be.  

  1. What do you predict that this book will be about? 
  1. How do you think that the characters will solve the cookie problem? 
  1. How would you solve the equal cookie problem? 
  1. What was your favorite part of this story? Why was it your favorite part?  


  1. Refer to the Google Slide if needed from the video 

  1. Go on your nature walk using this journal page, or create your own. 

You can use the journaling rubric as a guide: 


Daily Practice Steps:  
1: Make a subtraction equation & draw a horizontal line. (ex: 43-24)  
2: Identify biggest number and write above the right end of your number line. 
3: Break your smallest number in friendly parts. (Ex: 10’s, 5’s, & 1’s) 
4: Start at your biggest number and just backwards in increments of your friendly parts.  
Daily Reading – Read a book of your choice from home or Raz-kids 

Estimated Time: 20 – 60 min 

Feel free to go on more than one nature walk to add to your journal page. When you have completed your journal page, take a photo of it and email it to your teacher. 
Example Equations: 

43 – 24 =      56 – 31 =  
23 – 14 =      24 – 18 =  
73 – 18 =      22 – 17 = 
37 – 29 =      49 – 14 =  
68 – 16 =      44 – 21 =  

Optional Learning Tasks 

Coding With Mr. Sandberg! 

Mr. Sandberg has started a web series of coding videos. Check out his first video using Scratch. 

Question of the Day  

Share your “Peach & Pit” with your family at dinner. A Peach is the best part of your day. A Pit is a challenge or difficulty you had that day. 


Phone or FaceTime a family member or friend that does not live in your house and tell them how special they are. 

Phys Ed 

Visit Ms. Hennick’s Blog: 

Visit Ms. Mann’s blog: 

Outdoor Art 
Collect some loose parts from nature (I.e. pinecones, rocks, etc.) and create a piece of art.  

Closing Comments 
  • Please contact your teacher by email with any questions at: 
  • Craig: 
  • Lagrana: 
  • Sandberg: 
  • Quesnel: 
  • Yoon: 
  • Please submit a picture of your math using a number line and a picture of your nature journal via email as completed. Deadline is Sunday, April 12th. 
  • Friday April 10th is a Stat Holiday. Take time to enjoy with your family. Teachers will not be working this day 
  • Monday April 13th is a PD Day. The weekly lesson will be sent home on Tuesday April 14th